Dana anand India Pvt Ltd Salary, Jobs and Location

Dana anand India Pvt Ltd Salary, Jobs and Location

Dana anand India Pvt Ltd salary, Job And History

Dana anand India Private Limited is more then 29 years old Private company started on 29 July 1993. Head Office of Dana Anand India Private Limited is Pune, Maharashtra, India. Dhana Anand India Private Limited is a joint venture or you can say collaboration between Anand Group and Dana Holding Corporation, USA. It is the group of 20 Companies over 60+ Locations. 

The Company currently status is Active and Annual return of company in Finacial year is Mar 2022 is Approx 110.00 Cr. and paid-up capital is near about 98 Cr. as per MCA. In the company currently 8 Directors and 1 Signatories are associated with the organization. Company Secretary  Priyanka Agarwal and 6 others are Mahendra Kumar Goyal, Michael B Bridenbaker, Sumit Bhatnagar and 5 other members are presently associated as directors.

Spicer India Limited of India manufacture automobile products. the Company offers motor vehicle parts and other acessories of Electronics Spicer India distributes its products throughout India.


Dana Anand India pvt. Ltd. is the venture company Anand Group + Dana they both have three comine branch 

  1. DANA ANAND INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED (dharuhera, Haryana)
  2. DANA ANAND INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED (Rudrapur, Uttarakhand)


 The recruitment process of Anand India Pvt. Ltd. is single step for Diploma holders and 3 step for all other when we get the job letter as a Fresher in that they ask basic question Answer and after the successfull inter they hired fresher as a OET (Operting Engineer Traniee) for a period of one year as per joining date in the offer Letter company maintinoed some conditions like they can transfer you easily from one branch to other branch salary as a OET is 1,43,108/Annum. Accommodation provided for the first year is 150/Month, After one year Female OEs can continue to stay at the hostel at about 1000/Month Male OEs arrange own accommondation from the second year. Food Available at subsidized rate during the shift hours

Working Schedule 

Standing jobs -08 hours shift & 06 days working with 02 refreshment break(For Male candidate -03 shifts & for Female candidates -02 shifts)



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