Hardware and Software approach in educational technology

Hardware and Software approach in educational technology

Hardware and Software Approach is defined as the use of software and Hardware in the Process of education in called as the Hardware and Software Approach in Educational technology. their are various ways to use hardware and software in the education technology.

The Educational Technology is define as the meaning of technology the word Technology is derived from two greek word namely Teachnic and Logia. 'Teachnic'  means the art, skill and talent. 'Logia' means Science or Study. Technology is application of scientific knowledge into a practical purpose. And Education word meaning The word education is derived from latin word 'Educatum'. defination of Educational Technology " Educational Technology is defined as the application of science to improve the efficiency of the Education Process".

Classification of Hardware and Software Approach in Educational Technology 

  1.  Hardware Approach in Educational Technology.
  2.  Software Approach in Educational Technology.

1. Hardware Approach in Educational Technology

Hardware Approach is define as the uses and interference of Hardware in the education system. The use of hardware technology have influenced every walk of humen life. The educational process does not remains untouched by the hardware approches. the rapid meachnization in field of education. It has result the Approach of Hardware technology in education Technology. The process of teaching as well as learning has been gradually changes with hardware technology likes machines, radio, television, tape recorder,  projectors, video-tape etc. The eductors would deal with larger community of students at the same timeby his discourse, through these machines. The hardware approach is based on the uses of principles of science for the developement of electro-mechanical equipment for instructional purposes. Motion pictures, television,teaching machines, computer are called as hardware of education. 

2. Software Approach in Educational Technology

Software Approach is define as the uses and interference of Software in the education system The use of software Technology  have influenced every walk of humen life. in the education technology in huge amout of software's are use in current days the pioneering work in software approach was done by Skinner and other behaviourists. The programmes which such a technology which is called as software. The software in eduction technology like apps, card-readers, digital-books, google this all are the sum of the softwares which is  closely associated with the modern the modern principles of programmed learning. A teacher with added knowledge of software approach can use the films, flashcards, tapes, tapes, etc. for various prospectus.

Examples of Software And Hardware Approach in Educational Technology

In our day to day life there are several application like Video conferencing cameras, Video meeting camera, Educational Gameing app, Digital whiteboard, erp, lms and many more hardware and software are used in the Educational Teachnology.

  1. Video Conferencing Cameras :  This is the one of the finest example of Hardware Approach of Educational Technology withe the help og camera we can hendle record and preserve the video for the future student community.
  2. Video meeting Camera : Video meeting Camera is the example of Hardware Approach in Educational Teachnology with the meeting camera a educator can teach a group of student community.
  3. Educational Gaming Application : In present there are several application present on internet which provide's the game which is based on the education for student like math's or logic building this is the example of Software approach in Educational Teachnology.
  4.  LMS stands for learning management system is the example of Software Approach in Educational Teachnology. the LMS is makes a stand between Educators and student they can share knowledge on that and they manage all the data which is provide by the educator.

Advantages of Hardware and Software approach in Educational Technology

  1. With the Approach Educational Teachnology handle a student community at a time.
  2. They can easily Store data for the future Genration Student For their Education.


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