Salary now is a instant loan providing company provideing loan in a Few hours or in a Day. salary now is a basically a brand name and the company name is KKSV Business Services Pvt Ltd in that their is partner company they are providing the loan to the customer.
they have loan from 1000 to 5,00,000 with the daily interset of 0.5% on daily basis because they taking the risk from customer side on small amount at Instant Disbursement of loan. the salaryNow is not RBI registered their partner is RBI registered ZED LEAFIN PRIVATE LIMITED and the providing Loan through the Zed Leafin Pvt. Ltd. & Arvog.
Step to take the loan
- Online Application Submission : When you face an cash need or emergency Download the app from the Play Store SalaryNow and fill the application form with basic Details like Loan amount, tenure and your personal detail like addhar, pan and bank statement
- Approval : After submission of application Instatantly The Loan will approve if you reach certain Standard like cibil Score, Payment and serving area.
- Sign the Agreement : After the approval sign the agreement and E-manadate if all good then it will goes to the Disbursal.
- They provide Instant Loan
- If you sattle in a day then take only one day interest other app will take a month of interest.
- Give the waiver if you want.
- Taking high amount of interest.
- high amount of data and the document.
- not giving loan in a several regions.